my grand adventure ~

Montoya Miller ~ Space & Spiral
4 min readMay 12, 2023

Note: This is something I shared the other day on my Instagram and felt called to post it here.

As hard as I try, it feels impossible to find the right words to describe where I am currently in my business as well as my creative space. I’m realizing that’s because it’s a felt experience, not necessarily meant to be rationalized and intellectualized through thought and words.

For quite some time I’ve been sitting with how I want to show up on my platforms and the world. My 10th house is potently activated now, so, of course, I’m feeling this big time.

I’ve always felt conflicted about social media, the wellness industry, and various spiritual communities for a number of reasons…

I don’t want to be yet another talking head telling you what to do. I don’t want to preach things I’m not practicing. I don’t want to share with the public until I’ve had time to fully integrate in private. I don’t want to sell a service or offering just to make money or feel like I have a legitimized business attached to a dollar sign. I don’t want to be a part of a trend and I most certainly do not want to share practices and wisdom teachings without honoring the indigenous roots they come from.

I refuse to do anything for show. I want raw, real, messy, contradicting, electrifying, loud, even ugly. In fact, I want to allow myself to make the ugliest art I’ve ever dared to make and see what kind of doors open before me simply because of that creative liberation.

I’m not here to put myself in a box, yet it so often feels like platforms, such as Instagram, and even having a business and a brand are designed to do exactly that. And so, my conflicting feelings march in and take a seat at the table.

Because at the same time, I DO want to nurture a business. I DO want to work for myself. I DO want to share and connect and use the platforms available to us for good and with integrity.

What I’m realizing is I don’t have to choose. To have a business and an online presence does not automatically equate to all the performative and constrictive games I don’t want any part of. Perhaps you and I are here to do it differently.

So, in a sense, this is my reclaiming of yet another layer of my personal power and to welcome you along the journey of what’s next for me: what I’m calling ‘My Grand Adventure’.

In exactly one week I’ll be stepping onto a plane headed to Costa Rica where I’ll be living for the foreseeable future. I have loose plans to travel around Central and South America and from there…who knows. I’ll be going wherever life takes me. This grand adventure is about so much more than traveling and seeing the world (although that’s a huge and special part). But this time is also deeply about my own creative discovery and rediscovery. It’s about getting to know who I am now and who I’m growing into. It’s about stretching myself and learning to trust the flow of life even more deeply.

As I move into this next cycle, absolute fluidity is required of me and this inevitably trickles into my business and how I show up here, for you. There will continue to be consistent evolutions, upgrades, and learnings and I feel honored that I get to share those things with you.

One thing I know for sure is that my mission is solidified. My lifelong devotion is to live a creative life and support others in doing the same to the best of my ability. To make my life living art and prayer. To sink my teeth fully into the rich deliciousness and beauty of each moment. To live in dedication to creative reclamation, soul expression, and life artistry. And perhaps inspire others along the way.

I’m not certain what the “how” and “what” will look like. But I can carry my “why” with me as I go and let the rest take shape as it’s meant to.

So allow me to reintroduce myself…

My name is Montoya Miler. I’m an artist, writer, podcaster, hypnotherapist, a maker, a rebel, a pattern disruptor, an explorer, and a goof. And I also have to consistently remind myself not to take life too seriously. I like to shake shit up and turn life upside down just to see what will happen. It’s more fun that way. I’m undeniably and endlessly curious. Above all, my spiritual evolution, creative fulfillment, and relationships are what matter most to me.

Labels and titles aside, I make stuff. I have to. WE, as human beings, have to. It’s encoded in our DNA and etched into our bones:

We Are Makers. We Are Creators. We Are Master Manifestors. We Are Divine Designers of Epic Proportions.

Through my writing, podcast, and anything else I create, I hope to inspire you and help you unlock your inner soul artistry so you can live a truly fulfilling creative life.

If you decide to tag along on this next chapter of creative revolution and discovery, perhaps you will also experience your own creative reclamation. If I play even the smallest role in that process, it would be an honor.

Cheers to this next adventure!

Lots of love,

🪞 Montoya is an artist, writer, podcaster, hypnotherapist, rebel, pattern disruptor, explorer, maker of magick, and voyager.

🕯 Her lifelong devotion is to live a creative life and support others in doing the same. To make her life living art and prayer. To sink her teeth fully into the rich deliciousness and beauty of each moment. To live in dedication to creative reclamation, soul expression, and life artistry. And perhaps inspire others along the way.

🌙 Connect with her further:
Instagram | Website | Podcast | YouTube



Montoya Miller ~ Space & Spiral

🪞Artist ~ Writer ~ Voyager🪞 🕯In devotion to creative reclamation, curious wonderment, ritual & magick, life artistry, subconscious rewiring.